Biblical Principles for your OWN Businesses

There are many Biblical principles for running a business. Businesses must have a stated vision (a purpose; an understanding), for its existence. For businesses, smart planning and execution can mitigate many risks. In addition, being industrious, hard working, and having perseverance in business will pay in the long run. The Bible tells us that those who work hard in business will see increase.

Biblical commentary, meaning, and advice on Biblical principles for running a business.

Communicate the Vision.

Businesses must have a stated vision (a purpose; an understanding), for its existence. From a Biblical perspective, a business vision must line up with the Word of God. As a business involves more than one person, the vision for the business must be communicated and it must be clear to all.

Habakkuk 2:2 advises us to write the vision and make it plain.

Plan for Risks before You Act.

Every successful business has to take risks to be successful. Smart planning and execution can mitigate many risks. Many times the larger the risk, the more the opportunity. At the same time, the larger risk that is taken can result in more opportunities for failure.

Luke 14:28 advises us that before we build something we must count the costs to assure we can finish what we start.

Be Diligent.

Being in business is a long-term venture. Being industrious, hard working, and having perseverance in business will pay in the long run. Other businesses and people in authority will seek out diligent and capable business partners.

Proverbs 22:29 advises us that the diligent in business will stand before kings.

Hard Work Brings Increase.

The Bible tells us that those who work hard in business will see increase. God blesses businesses that base their work ethic on initiative and honest, hard work. On the other hand, ill-gotten wealth will not be permanent.

Proverbs 13:11: advises that those that work hard shall see increase.

One Biblical principle for businesses is to not cheat the customer. Another Biblical principle for businesses is to focus on selling quality products and services. A Biblical principle for businesses from King Solomon is to foster good trading relationships. Another Biblical principle for businesses is to be honest and open in all business dealings. See below for Biblical commentary and advice from part two of our series on running a Biblical-based business.

Do Not Cheat The Customer.

This may seem like common sense, but for some businesses their motto is “do not get caught cheating the customer”. In Biblical times, merchants cheated customers by using inflated scale weights when measuring produce and goods that they sold to customers.

Deuteronomy 25:15 advises businesses to have a perfect and just scale.

Sell Quality.

All businesses should be in a position where they know their product or service is good. The only way to do this is a lot of hard work and a focus on quality.

Proverbs 31:18 tells us of the virtuous woman that knows her merchandise is of good quality.

Foster Good Trading Relationships.

One of the reasons King Solomon was so successful was because he fostered good trading relationships. King Solomon’s wisdom in the area of trade and commerce enable everyone to profit and show increase. He worked with governments and with merchants to encourage trade.

1st Kings 10:15 tells us of how he fostered good trade relations for his merchants and other countries.

Be Honest in All Business Dealings.

Honesty in business means no false advertising. It means selling products and services that provide value to the customer. A business should never knowingly sell inferior goods or services that may harm the customer. A business should be open in all of its business dealings so as to not even give the perception of dishonesty.

Romans 12:17 -advises to do no man evil and provide things in honesty and in openness.

No matter if we are a small business owner or a factory worker, God has a calling on our life. God knows a business’ strengths and weaknesses, and a business owner must seek God’s wisdom to keep from making bad business decisions. As a business person we must remember to trust God over uncertain profits. A Biblical principle that applies to business as well as to life in general is to seek righteousness first and increase will come.

Excel in Whatever Business God has called you.

No matter if we are a small business owner or a factory worker, God has a calling on our lives. What is key is that we seek God for our calling in our life, and then excel in it.

Ephesians 4:1 advises us to walk worth in the vocation that God has called us.

Seek God to Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses.

Without knowing a business’ strengths and weaknesses, a business owner can bring a business to ruin by making bad business decisions. It is critical that a business choose to place its resources and energy into what it does better than the competition.

Psalm 39:4 advises us to ask God to tell us our purpose and to measure us to tell us of our weaknesses.

Trust God Over Uncertain Profits.

As a business person we must remember to trust God over uncertain profits. Success in business can quickly go to one’s head. We can start to think that our current success and future success is based on our own capabilities.

1 Timothy 6:17 advises those that are rich to trust God over uncertain profits.

Seek Righteousness And Profits Will Come.

A Biblical principle that applies to business as well as to life in general is to seek righteousness first and increase will come. By seeking righteousness first in business, specifically God’s righteousness, we are trusting in God to help us and to guide us in our business activities.

Matthew 6:33 advises us to seek first the kingdom of God and it shall be added to us.

Follows God’s Will to Continuously Innovate Your Business.

A Biblical principle for business as well as life is to not conform to this world, but continually transform by renewing our mind in what is in the will of God. This is the essence of innovation, which is key for any successful business. God does not desire for us to get stuck in a rut doing the same old thing. He desires us to experiment, to seek, and to innovate in order to find out what his will is in any given situation.

Romans 2:12 advises us to not conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind to what is the will of God.